Good news from a tax planning perspective as we head into the new year.  The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015, which was enacted into law on December 18, 2015, retroactively extends certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) that had previously expired.  Of particular interest to our readers, the PATH Act permanently extends the 100% capital gains exclusion for “qualified small business stock” (also referred to as QSBS) initially acquired after September 27, 2010.

As a quick refresher, the QSBS tax exemption was originally enacted
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Just a reminder that the temporary 100% exclusion for Federal capital gains tax on the sale of “qualified small business stock” (“QSBS”), under Section 1202 of the IRS regulations, is set to expire at the end of calendar year 2013.

The QSBS tax exemption was originally enacted to incentivize investment in certain small businesses by providing (non-corporate) investors the opportunity to exclude all or a portion of their gains from Federal capital gains tax in certain circumstances.

In order to qualify as QSBS, stock must be purchased from a domestic C corporation that (i) is engaged in an active trade or business (as defined by the IRS regulations) and (ii) has gross assets which do not exceed $50 million (measured when the stock is purchased). Further, in order to qualify for the tax exemption, the investor must hold the qualified stock for at least five years from the date of purchase. In addition, the timing of an investor’s purchase of the qualified stock will impact the amount excluded from Federal capital gains tax that may later apply when the stock is ultimately sold, according to the following percentages:
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